Just want to make sure that everyone understands that if you give up on using your credit card, on my site you get extra designs besides the ones you order. You still get your designs right away, and when I receive payment you get a bonus set .
Found on the New Design Page you will find
1. Color Butterflies, 11 designs in 4x4, 5x7 and 6x10=44 designs.
2. Native Animal Designs-1o designs in 4x4, 5x7, 6x10, 8x10 and 8x14=100 designs.
3. These are Absolutely Gorgeous, and a great way to bring a little Spring to your wardrobe. FSL Butterfly Collars 2 and 3. These come in 5x7, 6x10, 8x10 and 8x14.
4. Bring a little Spring to you table with a Daffodil Bowl and Doily in 4x4 and 5x7.
5. Another Great FSL Collar with flowers in 4x4 and 5x7.
6. On the Alphabet Page you will find the cutest Ragdoll Alphabet in 4x4, 5x7 OR 6x10.
7. On the Holiday/Valentine Page you will find The cutest FSL and Fabric Sock Monkey Pockets that you can make and baste to a shirt or sweatshirt for valentines and then remove if you want. The pockets come in 4x4, 5x7 and 6x10. There are 7 different pockets for either set and with paid order you will get the designs in 4x4 and 5x7.
Last but not least I have put up the last of the Valentine Bonnets for you to find.
All can be seen here
Come and join me to start making a change and stop giving our money away to those who do not appreciate us or give us anything back, except to raise the rates they charge. We cannot depend on someone else to make changes for us, we need to start doing it for ourselves. You all have a Great Day. Georgia
A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy
enough people to make it worth the effort. Remember, when you point Your
finger at someone, 3 of Yours are pointing back at you.
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